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You can download Scalate from the Sonatype repository.


If you build your project using sbt then just add the following to your build.sbt or project/Build.scala

libraryDependencies +=
  "org.scalatra.scalate" %% "scalate-core" % "{latest version}"


If you build your project using Maven then just add the following to your pom.xml

  <version>{latest version}</version>  

The releases should be synchronized to the central maven repository so you should not need to add a maven repository to your pom.xml.

However if a release has not yet made it to the central repository or you want to add a repository for completeness, add the following to your pom.xml


If you want to use a snapshot version you should ensure you have the Scalate Snapshot Maven repository defined in your pom.xml

     <id>sonatype snapshots</id>
     <name>Sonatype Snapshot Repository</name>


If you prefer you can try building from the source code and building it