Jade Reference Guide

Jade is the daddy of HTML template engines for Scala

Jade is a neater dialect of Haml / Scaml which is a very DRY template language for creating HTML markup.

Here's a simple Jade example

An example .jade file

!!! 5
    title= pageTitle
      if (foo) {
    h1 Jade - node template engine
      - if (youAreUsingJade)
        p You are amazing
      - else
        p Get on it!

the generated HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      if (foo) {
    <h1>Jade - node template engine</h1>
    <div id="container">
      <p>You are amazing</p>

If you already know Haml / Scaml then Jade which basically avoids the use of % before element names making things a little easier to read; then for text content on a new line you either prefix the text with the | symbol or you use a markup format like markdown.

If you don't know Haml / Scaml, please refer to the Jade Syntax.

Markdown and Jade rock

Jade and markdown are the perfect couple for your HTML templating needs; Jade provides the very DRY and concise HTML markup using concise CSS aware markup, markdown provides the wiki formatting of text blocks.

Jade by itself is great for structural markup and layouts but is not always optimal for lots of text with embedded markup like bold and hyperlinks.

Here's an example of some text markup with hyperlinks using vanilla jade

    | This is some 
    b text 
    | with a
    a(href="http://fusesource.com") FuseSource
    | link.

Now lets use markdown - which is great for concise DRY text with markup effects and embedded links..

    This is some **text** with a [FuseSource](http://fusesource.com) link.    

Both of which should generate something like this

<div class="foo">
    This is some <b>text</b> with a <a href="http://fusesource.com">FuseSource</a> link.

See Also