Building with Maven
Scalate uses Maven as its primary build tool for performing releases and uses the pom.xml to describe dependencies between modules.
If you don't fancy using Maven you can try using sbt which is particularly good for rapid edit-compile-test cycles or use your IDE directly or Download a distribution or JAR.
Required: * Download and install Maven * Get the latest Source * Java 1.5
Maven options
To build Scalate maven has to be configured to use more memory
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
A normal build
If you are using Maven 3.0 or later then build as follows
mvn install -Pdownload
The last argument, -Pdownload, is optional and typically only used on the first build as it adds some extra repos to the project just in case our dependencies have not quite reached the central Maven repository yet.
For using Maven 2.x or later please add the m2 profile. e.g.
mvn install -Pdownload,m2
Once you have done the first build to download dependencies you can omit the *download profile
mvn install -Pm2
Doing a Quick Build
The following avoids running all the unit test cases, we just skip the test running phase and not the building part
mvn -Dtest=false clean install
Using an IDE
If you prefer to use an IDE then you can auto-generate the IDE's project files using maven plugins. e.g.
mvn eclipse:eclipse
mvn idea:idea
Importing into Eclipse
If you have not already done so, you will need to make Eclipse aware of the Maven repository so that it can build everything. In the preferences, go to Java -> Build Path -> Classpath
and define a new Classpath Variable named M2_REPO
that points to your local Maven repository. i.e. ~/.m2/repository
on Unix and c:\Documents and Settings\$username\.m2\repository
on Windows).
You can also get Maven to do this for you:
mvn eclipse:add-maven-repo -Declipse.workspace=/path/to/the/workspace/