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Release Guide

How to create releases of Scalate

Release Steps

Various documentation changes first (which should be done before the release is cut)

If the release is a major release then we need to freeze the current website at


Cutting the release

mvn versions:use-next-releases
mvn versions:update-properties
mvn -P license license:check
mvn -P license license:format
mvn -P release release:prepare 
mvn -P release release:perform 
git rebase --hard
git push --tags

Creating a branch for this release and website changes

If this is a major release…

git co scalate-project-1.6.1 -b scalate-1.6.1.x
git push origin scalate-1.6.1.x 

What all this means is now that you should be able to amend the website for the current release using the scalate-project-1.6.1 branch. You can also document new upcoming features for the next release which go into the master branch which should be auto-deployed to the snapshot website

Update the Homebrew formula

brew install -i scalate